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Water Purification Solutions Wants You to Know What’s in Your Water

What's In Your Water?

We at Water Purification Solutions LLC in Tampa, FL, believe personal and family health starts at home. After all, do we really know what we are getting when we buy a gallon or case of bottled water from our local grocer or convenience store just because it’s been labeled "Purified" or "Spring" water? Are you aware of the contamination levels allowed by the EPA and FDA? Are you aware of what the CDC says about contaminated city and well water? Have you read your local county water report? 

These are all very important safety questions we should be asking ourselves when thinking about the safety and long-term health effects of the water we consume on a daily basis. To help you jumpstart your water education journey, we offer a complimentary water test for all local area residents. Click here or call (813) 705-4072 to schedule yours.

Do You Buy Bottled Water?

Water is the lifeblood of all civilizations to ever exist, and as such, it is the single most valuable resource on the planet. Last year alone, Americans consumed 15 billion gallons of bottled water! That means that around 60 million plastic bottles end up in landfills every single day. Americans alone send more than 38 billion water bottles to the landfills every year; that's 1500 plastic bottles thrown away every second of the day.


Unlike other water companies who are only interested in your money, Water Purification Solutions LLC understands that everyone's water needs may not be the same. Therefore, we seek to eliminate unnecessary, expensive equipment with a more affordable and effective solution, guaranteed to produce results and improve your water quality.

We also recognize the value in water safety education and strive to empower our customers with the knowledge necessary to effectively protect and safeguard themselves and their families from the dangers associated with water-borne pathogens and contamination. 

Learn More

A Great Example of an Electrolysis Water Test

Bottled Water pH Balance Test

How a Water Softener Works

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